What You Need,
We offer a wide variety of services to ensure the needs of our clients in the oilfields are met. In addition to our listed services, you may always ask us about visiting your site with our mobile food trailer to help bring a hot meal and a warm smile to your crews on location.
All of our Super Suckers have the ability to move any type of product that will fit through the hose; from dirt, rocks, and sand to the thickest invert mud, North Country Oil will get it out of your way, off the ground or out of your tanks. North Country Oil’s Hydro-Vac and crews are experts in the oil field and specialize in the cleaning of drilling rig mud tanks, pressure vessels, open tops on workover rigs, frac sites and potholing for any type of buried lines.

North Country Oil’s motivated crews and new equipment are top notch. They can’t be beat! Whether it’s a hotshot run, a flow line installation or if need your entire tank battery plumbed; North Country Oil’s Roustabouts are doing it all!

Frac Water Heaters
North Country Oil’s burner boxes are rated at an astonishing 43 Million BTUs, they also utilize a non-explosive burner fuel that must be ignited specifically in our units to even make it burn. The best part is that it burns hotter and is far cheaper than propane or diesel fuel! North Country Oil heaters trucks heat 500bbl frac tanks or 400bbl upright tanks hotter, faster and cheaper than other heater trucks with literally zero explosion hazards!

Steam Trucks
When it gets cold nothing beat the power of steam for safe and reliable thawing of frozen lines and equipment. North Country Oil builds steam trucks and they are the best there is. Starting with the best boilers on the market the end product is 700 degree dry steam that will thaw even the worst frozen lines fast. This drastically reduces your down time due to mother nature! With no open flame or fire North Country Oil’s steam trucks can be used anywhere around the well site.

Vac Tankers
130-160bbl capacity to haul any type of liquids. Fresh Water, flow back, production, or your dirty water is no problem to haul for you. Combined with our super sucker the team is invaluable. The vac tanker goes first and pulls all the liquid, and then the hydro-vac gets the solids! With the ability to hatch the top of the hydro-vac the tanker can then pull off any remaining liquid and both then go directly to the disposal at a much cheaper rate than one truck operating alone.

Hot Oil Trucks
Our trucks can range from 500 pounds all the way up to 10,000 pounds and hold pressure to test. From the smallest jobs of heating water or oil to cleaning rods to pull out of hole all the way up to holding pressure during fracs. We can do it all quick and efficiently.

Line Heaters
North Country Oil’s line heaters are the best insurance possible when you know it’s going to get cold. With 1600ft of glycol charged line and a truckload of insulating blankets, it wraps it, fire it up and walk away with no worries about freezing! The outgoing line at 180 degrees and with the insulating blankets the average return temperature is still 130 degrees! No matter what the temp is outside, nothing will freeze with these.

Pressure Washer
North Country Oils 3500psi wash units have the power to get the toughest oil and grime off of anything! Fully enclosed in an insulated box truck is the wash unit, 200ft of high-pressure hose, degreaser/tools and 1100gal of hot water ready to get the job done! North Country Oil can, has and will tackle the big jobs and even entire work over and drillings rigs!